I created Daily Check-In forms before COVID to do a better job providing students the opportunity to communicate with me about how they were doing at school and in general. I found value in having daily data that provided me a clearer picture of student well-being rather than using assignment scores to drive instruction.

I needed a tool that would allow me to easily integrate SEL and Goal Setting while allowing students to craft meaningful written responses daily.

This activity is the first part of my class warm-up as students enter the classroom. As I walk around and monitor, I can use my personal device to read their responses as their forms are submitted.

Gathering this information enables me to:

✅Address immediate student needs and concerns

✅Understand how my students are feeling and why

✅Monitor and adjust upcoming instruction

✅Collect daily written responses on various topics

✅Provide students the opportunity to reach out for help privately

✅Provide students the opportunity to share other information of their choice

These forms work for the physical classroom, and provide a connection between school and home when a student is absent, or learning remotely.

**Each day features different goal-related questions and "Would You Rather" questions**

The general structure of my Check-In Forms:

✔Name and Date

✔SEL Component

✔Goal Setting/Growth Mindset

✔ Would You Rather

✔ Daily Writing Opportunities

This form is fully editable and can be tailored to meet the needs of your students.

You'll be able to:

✳adjust the questions and all settings

✳select questions to be required or optional

✳change, delete or add pictures, directions, or answer choices

Please note that this is a Google Form intended to be completed digitally by students on a device.

Try out this free sample of the Monday form!

Click here for a FREE sample of my Monday Check-In!

The way that I see it...

Connections are a crucial component to building a strong classroom climate and culture. These forms are just one medium that I use to jumpstart conversations, build relationships, and collect narrative data to understand my students and reflect upon my teaching practices. How do you connect with your students?